Friday, August 25, 2006

You have to backup your stuff. You know that, right ?

Check this out :

Well, if this will realy work and will cost just 5$ it will be awesom off-sight simpless backup solution.

Drawback is mainly time it take for first backup and then if you need all you files back.

So, I would recomend perferm ON SITE backup as well and use this one as extra for important things.

Some files can be backup up offsite using services like - your images.

But no matter what you use , DVD , HD, web... DO BACKUP ! :-)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I got this cool ASUS Wireless Router WL-700gE that is also called "Bit Torent Router". I got it from of course !

After some mild disappointment with Linksys's NSLU2 ( it keep dying and freezing while working with FAT32 formatted volumes - rendering itself unusable) I was looking to give the new contender a try. :-)

The feature list is long and cool and obviously you can not expect all be perfect.

I will write more as my test goes on.

1) I was able to connect to admin console - looks like standard router web UI with a lot of options. Works well.

2) I had to reboot all devices including computer to get internet connection with COMCAST working again ( old router replaced). Works fine.

3) I was able to publish some photos - easy , but a bit cheesy application.

4) I could copy images from my camera Flash Media : COOL !!!!
I wonder if I can make it automatically share via Web... have to dig...

5) I registered DynaDNS using admin console and small Web site was up and running.
I have to clearly redesign templates. It is a bit ... well, but OK. It working actually!

6) SMB access worked, I had to stress test it to see.

7) Small manual is too short and provide no info on how to do backup and RAID. I guess I have to figure it out. Should be simple.

Day 2

8) I uploaded some MP3 to it and used my ROKU to play streams. Worked like a charm for few files. I have to upload a big library and see if ROKU will have any issue with it ( some how it may not like big trees with Linux DAAT I used in the past)

9) I played with permisions : there are two modes : paswrod based and user based. Basic staff worked and you can make shares read only for some users. To test diferent users in Windows you have to use comand line. I was able to map network drive easly and use it. Speed is OK for MP3 files transfer : you get same feeling as working with local disk. I have to try video files to see how well it works on big files.

Read more about test in Day 3 !

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