Monday, February 22, 2010

Holly war on boobies again and what I think about it.

Apple "rethink" it rules again. Read this:

No more preatty girls in longenrie. Dunno why. They looks cute. I have no idea if there are Applications on Apple AppStore that are more open, but I never saw a fully nakid one yet. (Was not looking so)

As hypocratic as it is, Apple have to "bend".

I was thinking what will make sence to get out of this stupid nonsense?

Here is a simple rules for iTunes I would implement. Note: while it make sense, it does not
garanty profit: that is the main reason why implementation of such rules are very unlikly.

1) Age verification: no visa - no "adult" things. Deafult is -super safe. No games like Doom even. No kill, no sex. Even Stick Wars game should be baned - why let kids kill even a stick man? Bad Bad Bad.

2) They need parent/kid account split. I do not know if they do it today. Same as above: if parent put kid on his account, such sub-account do not have adults right.

3) For all grown up: deafult : no sex, no violnece, no ofecive language - this 3 check boxes should be manualy swithced on on iTune account

4) All this shit should be cross iTunes. ex: "Gamer" movie should not be visible to ANYONE unless loged in top iTunes as adulat and unless you have ( all 3 for this one) checked on.

That how I see it: very simple. If you are kid - tough luck, grow up, if you are adult, you have to opt-in for sex and violence. :-)
But it not gona happen in our hyprocratic society: blowing heads out is OK, while looking on nakid boobs is not. Shame: I would ban violence first.

And for the record: as iPhone developer I do not care much about this "ban" as I am not developing such adult applications myself, I just have a child like wonder why boobs are considered so bad by some one.


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