Saturday, December 29, 2007

I got mac mini !

Finaly I nailed what I want and could choose model : mini it is.

Opening and seting it up was pure joy :-)

Friday, December 28, 2007

I got some new books recently about Algorithms and Computer architecture. "Inside the Machine" is a really nice one. Reading my friend blog on how Vista sucks I realized that after all these years of computing we ( me included ) look on same old shit : sorting, hashing and most amazingly on how to count and move bits. Think about it: we want to build AI, some thing like human. Btw, I got and watched Blade Runner , Final Cut : that what made me thing that :-) So, we need to design DNA. Now, we can not even move bits without mistakes and how we suppose to "hand assemble" these 6 GIGABYTE ( approximately) of information if we will operate on bit level ? Obviously we can't. We can not use C or C++ for that task or ASM for same reason. :-) That is only part of the problem: then we will have to load this "framework" ( h/w) with some AI s/w :-) Here real fun begins with complex graphs of interdependences. Our brain, can not yet handle this on "logical" level. Some suggest slacking and "let it learn". I say : let it build itself :-) He he he ... and I am not kidding, yo ! :-) Also, let's not forget about "analog" computers. Some problems seems much less of an issue in that domain. Electrons can solve problem of "travailing sales man" much faster ( constant time ) and transistors know how to get integral form input in real time. Also, all this cool nano and bio tech offers some cool gadgets and that quantum computing, oh, yeah ! Give it to me baby ! :-)

Bottom line : Just wanted to say that now way in hell we will build some thing complex without going to high level of abstraction and that should be not just one jump: it should be exponential pyramid and I do not know how many steps ( but not too many, that's because we harness the power of power !)

So ASM->C(very tiny jump)->?->?->?->?->AI !!!!!

Yezzzz !!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

This is a very cool gadget. Suzuki SV650S . Don't you think so? Color is very cool and it goes really fast ( No that I tried that yet, but people say ). Who did not dreamed to be an astronaut? While only lucky few got a seat on a Shuttle ... you can get similar experience here and there: you can go under water in kind of space suite ( diver) , you can ride bike in space helmet :-) or you can fly plane ( for that you need a lot and lot of training). You can be on your own in sea for months on the boat.... Needles to say that being astronaut or trying to pretend you are one is a lot of stress for body and brain. This is good if you want to stay young longer, but it has a price: the more extrem you go , more risk involved. Hey, Shuttle did exploded more the once, right ? You can choose to die in bed from old age or some evil bugs ( while you still having risks every day: driving a car for example). So, what is bigger risk ? Risk to Do or risk never Do It ? Every one have to choose and commons sense may be helpfully to try manage risks to enjoy life more and longer. As I mentioned, taking part in risky activities has flip coin effect : not it just keep you strong and young ( what does not kill you: make you stronger:-)), but it may reduce risk in your other activities: if you developed survival skills on bike, that should make you more attentive car driver. Here is example:

1. Assume that you go in full gear, never drunk ( one beer on bike kill you 99%) or tired and never commute on bike ( avoid heavy traffic) : you manage your risk.
2. OK, let just take say, biking is may be 10-20 times more risky compare to car driving
3. Say you spend 2 hours in care every day: 14 hours a week and 2 hours on bike during week end: that should give you similar risk over time.
4. Now, if you keep the risk same, you gain skills and it reduce risk on both car and bike, while it is more important for your survival on car: you drive it because you have to: you do not have much choose if you have to go and mostly you drive it when most other people do the same, you may be sleepy, tired or even drunk e.t.c. So, skills and trained focus attention is very helpful

That is just an example: biking is a dangerous activity, it is an extream sport and should not be take lightly. You should try to reduce risk, but it still exist: the moment you are not scared anymore, you should probably park it :-)

OK, so what is first in my to do list ?

Hell, of course go to Mario and !!!BANG!!! His car with more powerfully and heavy boloid !!!! Ha Ha Ha !!! Let's make scooter envy !


Sunday, December 09, 2007

In December Mars comes in nice close position and cold weather make sky clear from clouds. Yerstaday was one of these nights. I saw a bright yellowish start high up. It took me second to realize that this is a Mars. I brought my binoculars and small scope and enjoied murky red disk view. Sky were not compleatly clean and my optics were still hot compare to chilly ear, so I was not able to resolve snow cups and other details. Saturn is up as well and nice constalation of Orion is in perfect position for my backyard now: I am planing to hunt for Hourese Head nebula and other cool features located in there. After having outdoor fun I retreated to my warn quarters and indulged myself for some more sky walks in Google Earth and Sky.


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