Friday, December 28, 2007

I got some new books recently about Algorithms and Computer architecture. "Inside the Machine" is a really nice one. Reading my friend blog on how Vista sucks I realized that after all these years of computing we ( me included ) look on same old shit : sorting, hashing and most amazingly on how to count and move bits. Think about it: we want to build AI, some thing like human. Btw, I got and watched Blade Runner , Final Cut : that what made me thing that :-) So, we need to design DNA. Now, we can not even move bits without mistakes and how we suppose to "hand assemble" these 6 GIGABYTE ( approximately) of information if we will operate on bit level ? Obviously we can't. We can not use C or C++ for that task or ASM for same reason. :-) That is only part of the problem: then we will have to load this "framework" ( h/w) with some AI s/w :-) Here real fun begins with complex graphs of interdependences. Our brain, can not yet handle this on "logical" level. Some suggest slacking and "let it learn". I say : let it build itself :-) He he he ... and I am not kidding, yo ! :-) Also, let's not forget about "analog" computers. Some problems seems much less of an issue in that domain. Electrons can solve problem of "travailing sales man" much faster ( constant time ) and transistors know how to get integral form input in real time. Also, all this cool nano and bio tech offers some cool gadgets and that quantum computing, oh, yeah ! Give it to me baby ! :-)

Bottom line : Just wanted to say that now way in hell we will build some thing complex without going to high level of abstraction and that should be not just one jump: it should be exponential pyramid and I do not know how many steps ( but not too many, that's because we harness the power of power !)

So ASM->C(very tiny jump)->?->?->?->?->AI !!!!!

Yezzzz !!!!

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