Friday, October 09, 2009

Push for gmail on iPhone is here

As usual it is a beta.

Here is how to configure link

Hint: it is exchange, so you will have to re-configure your e-mail settings on iPhone.

Mixed: you can now sync your Calendar and Contacts. Good thing, if you are organized :)

Good job, Google!

Thank you for Exchange, Microsoft :-)


Is Watch Phone cooler than iPhone?

Ta-da-da-da! Here it comes!

Watch Phone!

Naturally, if you are a James Bond ( it is only for Europe!) you can afford 1300$ :-) on two year contract :-) This price is subsidized :-)

It is a toch screen, just like iPhone. It is small.

Hope Apple will make iPhone "nano" and "shuffle" for us all to enjoy for cheap ( 75$?! ). I will get it even if it come with AT&T plan :-) Just for LOLZ :)


PhotoSketch picture software is cool

Check this out


Very nice. It will probably be better with pre-proccessed images that have a clear royalty :-)

Probably a commercial image composition s/w of the future.

Wanna try? :-)

Sure, go get a source code!

You can also read the paper here


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