Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My friend Mario is a very nice and funny guy as you know. He like scooters and this is in his Italian blood. His wife bought him one as a present : http://windrago.wordpress.com/2005/09/08/zum-zum-zuma/ I had a chance to try it yerstday. You know... we all like to feel "zi-Power" between our legs :-) He-He. Mario started this thing up and masterfuly positioned it facing his cool Black Mazda, then he removed his hands from brakes. Duh! We Russians do not ride Vespa when we still sucking milk, like all Italians do. Next moment I found myself rushing to shiny black car with some crazy beast between my legs and then we crashed to a car weel. My last encounter with moto-scicle ( Java-brand ) was an exercise in trying to switch correct gear and then slowly release clutch and adding gas before engeen dies. But this Yamaha just go when you put your hand on bar. WooooooooooooooooooooooW--------BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!@!!!!! Fortunately Mario jumped on brakes and then he gave me a small lecture on how to operate the scooter. It was not very difficult and I made a full circle aroudn his house. He said his wife crashed scooter first time as well and he wanted to collect some statistic if all Russian do it , I guess. so far it is 100% for 2 person sampling :-) Luckily, both machines did not suffered a visible damage and I got some andrenalin boost to keep me ruining for rest of the day. Even so I am not going to buy this cool gadget I would like to say, that 49cm Yamaha Sport scooter is absolutly kick ass : it is unbelievably powerful and quick. Some thing I would never expected from such a small engine. That is High Technology :-)
Labels: Yamaha Scooter
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