Monday, October 01, 2007

games, but I like trying new cool games and some times play PS2 and PC games alone or with my son. Personally I like simulators ( like X Plane , MS Flight Sym , GT 4 e.t.c) or puzzle type games like Brain Age, chess or poker, but I used to play Doom when I was much younger.
My friend is hard core Halo fun and he was a first who got it. He
played all over 1 and 2 for thousand of hours while I only had some
mild fun with PC version of Halo 1.
We played together on split screen and he was guiding and helping me
all the time we run trough 3 levels that include combat, driving and
flying. That I believe gave me a good idea about the game.
Here is my small observation, mainly what I would improve:
1. Game is generally OK, well made and nice graphics.
2. I think that Halo funs will enjoy it.
3. Split screen is a bit lame: why I can not connect 2 LCD monitors
like on
PC? In PS2 games I played there is no split, but back view, that gives
a better play on single screen, but may be not as good for shooting.
Still, split us ugly and disconnecting.
4. While picture looks OK and textures are fine, ages are a but rough
especially shiny ones. That gives harsh not very life like experience.
Low RES PS 2 make smoothing much nicer and looks more like movies or
5. Motion is not natural. While Star Wars Lego make Lego guys walk
like real, they also grin , wink and do Matrix style anime moves that
looks cool. Guys in Halo moves like broken robots.
6. All looks very predictable and boring: you know how aliens looks.
In Doom you have all kind of strange gory creatures . See how Doom
evolved or how Star Wars have 6 different episode. Halo is same nice
paradise looking beach planet with nice weather and aliens that repeat
same cool punch line over again. Nothing new and gory or supernatural
will jump on you from the dark and you do not have to be a good 360
spinning star pilot to fly this cool helicopter.
7. Killing is not fun: I do not feel my motion get hard and vision
blurry like in other games: I see fire and at some point I just drop
dead. I can not see meat fly around or cut off hands , bullet holes and
blown out guts like in other games . That is a but boring, no?
Bottom line:Halo 3 is nice quality game that you can play for months
if you like it, but nothing I would write home about :-)
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