Saturday, February 09, 2008

This is a cool device that you can probably build in your own garage. I would like to!

While video looks cool and seems that MIT professor talked to this guy .... I am not too much concerned about what really happens. What strikes me is ... there is absolutely no single freaking diagram I can find on net. Like ... it sounds this cool dude is not after money, but some how he approach scientists and do demo and do videos and PR ... but... what can be easier then putting diagram on his web page :


Let geeks like me and others make these machine and see if it works and if anything cool can be done. Thane C. Heins can take all patents and credits: he already show that he did it first: so not much to worry about. If this shit is real he will be very famous. But instead ... oh, well... we have all these cool videos.

It almost seems one can figure out how to build perpetuum mobile from just his explanations: like it looks he have nothing to hide and may be just were way to busy to make diagram, right ?

Why I print it here :-) When I was kid I send my "invention" to "Technika Molodezi" i was reading - technical oriented magazine for kids in Russia. It was long before I knew Lorentz law and Physics well enough, but it utilized part of this machine: I wanted to make energy by placing magnets on spikes of bike wheel and coil to collect electric energy : just like the right part of his design. As a child I thought that no direct contact ( no friction) and air gap will allow for free energy (that can be partially put back to loop to motor that will rotate the wheel :-)) : here we have almost EXACTLY this device you see on video :-) Now... I have to admit... My device would probably not work and my letter was ignored :-) ( saved me embarrassment, but I do not care really, even so it would be fun if printed :-) even as humor )

So what is differences between my childish design ( 7-8 year old if I remember ) you ask ? This fero - magnetic rode that he put inside and idea to "flow" magnetic field back to inside motor. That is a "magical" thing that make it work. :-)

So, it is easy to build and try if this is all it is :-)

Btw, there are a cool device I wanted to build that will really work, but it has a bad side effect: it will slow down Earth and we all fly off to the space :-) You can make kind of very efficient gyroscope and try to harness Earth rotation. It will also look like it get energy form nothing, but it is not the case in my case.

So, if I will ever bother to build Heins device I would try to figure out where energy come from. As a first step it will be cool to cut it off from outside world : use battery power and put screens around to shield EMF ( we can not shield gravitation as easy so /:-) ) Also , it will help if some one will build "clean" device based on Heins diagram or explanation: that would make it clean ( like motor connected to rode may not be just motor but motor with some battary inside: it look like a HUGE motor to spin that small wheel - toy motor can probably do it, right ?)

Anyway, this looks just plane cool to any geek. Good work Mr. Heins ! Good Luck with your invention: drop me some comment if you want my help in reproduction of your experiment:-) Just send me some diagrams !


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