Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thoughts about Ecology :-)

I consider myself to be a balanced person and try not to jump to quick conclusions about things. For about all my life I knew that human change nature and in most cases we do it in a very messy, bad way ( look in the toilet every time you take a damp : does it look or smell as good as apple you just eat?:-)): we destroy forest and pollute water and air. Well, nature have also ability to recover quick ( turn our shit back to apples again so we can eat), may be not to it original state, but it manage to wipe our human deeds even in places like Chernobyl. Well, for the starters, Earth is huge compare to our biomass and it may not care much. After all, why would one prefer dead planet over live planet if this one is not living thing itself? And live come with changes in it environment. So that is fact of life, give or take.

Now, live come with domesticated politics and one of my most Ecosexual friends is in fact most political. I observed that both come together.

Now, I try to be sensible person and do less harm and waste, but never go to extreme and try to enjoy life. I did not bought Hybrid car, as my friend did: because it does not make economic sense to me yet. Do math yourself. Not did I changed my grass cutter to electric one ( I favor my other friend idea of just slacking and not cutting the grass better, but I do some times work on my grass and bushes - I like it )

Anyway, I also lucky to have friends that will ride 2-cycle motor bike ( dirty!) or kill deer for fun: they are also very human to me: all of above is just different aspects of humanity and well... just that.

Now, my wife try to recycle and save water and staff. She came from Japan and I do my best to help.

Why I say all this ?

Well, some information come to me recently and it confirms my own understanding of things:

I do not know if numbers are right, but it makes sense to me:

Here is about global warming ( human do less then 3% of CO2 in the picture )


Last WIRED wrote about water issues.

Guess what ? Majority of water goes to farming and next big part to industry. Even most wast full consumers in countries like USA or for some reason Australia ( hot there ?) can not consume more than 10%.

So, to make 1 pair of blue jeans they spend 2,866 fucking gallons of water !!!


So, I drive used car and use my old gas lawnmower, but ask yourself, how much resources a new Toyota Prius consumed ? What will be more sensible: me driving my Toyota Siena for 30 min a day ( I choose to live close to work) or driving Prius for 1-1.5 hours a day in traffic + getting a new car ?

How about going to Fryes ? We know how China looks: industry! We help in making China dirty by getting more cool gadgets we all like :-)

Ruing 4-8 computers all the time ( Server farms) to store what ? Video! we almost never watch: versus fetching DVD or connecting to ATV or Netflix 1-2 times a week?
Electricity only looks clean: it is actuality very dirty to make :-) do you spend 1 Kilowatt and hour for 24/7 only to spin HDs? Well.

My wife like to buy blue jeans, yeah ( and other things made of fabric and leather- just like I do like buy computers and iPhones - all high industry things that consume a lot of resources and polute air and water in China and alike): do you remember how much water ( and probably other staff needed?)

Now, go kick my ass if I missed my mistake a recycling bin and putting this plastic bottle in trash :-)

My point is : best we can do is to fight with dirty industries and consume less hi-tech ;-) ( but I love it !) and try to make our own surroundings better: keep grass green and water clean where we live... at least so we and our kids can enjoy it :-)


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