Saturday, May 03, 2008

I had to repost this from Serg. This LHC is super cool! Now you can find out what it does.

If you think that being a Rock Start is super cool, think again! Being a "Rock Star Physicist" is so much cooler :-)

The only question that remain after you watch this video is: will LHC produce a Black Hole, when started, so it will suck our Earth in to doom :-) Wooooooooooooooooooshhhhhh!

Let's live and find that out :-)

More likely they will find some partial or force and just like E=mc^2 produced a Nuclear Bomb and Hiroshima, LHC can produce some cool new super weapon that will function may be less dramatic than sucking Black Hole, but with similar effect for earthlings :-)

Let's live and hope they will find nothing :-) or at least that it will only be used for good ( to kill only bad guys or some thing :-) ha ha ) right!


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