Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Safari 4 beta is out
New s/w from AAPL :
Safari is out. It is beta, but I like it so far.
"Safari 4 includes the new Nitro engine for rendering Web pages, which Apple claims makes Safari not only the world's fastest browser -- something we'll be testing, naturally -- but also the fastest renderer of JavaScript, with rendering speeds 30 times faster than Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 and three times faster than Mozilla's Firefox 3."
But what I like is HTML5 video and audio tags ;-) Hope it will kill freaking Flash and we can just use MP3 and MPEG4
Falling Leaves Animation: http://webkit.org/blog-files/leaves/index.html [webkit.org]
Bouncing Box Animation: http://webkit.org/blog-files/bounce.html [webkit.org]
Rotate and Fade Animation: http://webkit.org/blog-files/pulse.html [webkit.org]
CSS Recipes for Effects: http://developer.apple.com/safari/articles/webcontent/cssrecipes.html [apple.com]
CSS Gradients:http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/InternetWeb/Conceptual/SafariVisualEffectsProgGuide/Gradients/chapter_2_section_1.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008032-CH7-SW11 [apple.com]
Video tag (requires Quicktime): http://webkit.org/blog/140/html5-media-support/ [webkit.org]
CSS Gradients: http://webkit.org/blog/175/introducing-css-gradients/ [webkit.org]
Background Shaped Clipping: http://webkit.org/blog/164/background-clip-text/ [webkit.org]
Local Database Example: http://webkit.org/misc/DatabaseExample.html [webkit.org]
If you use 1Password you will loose 1P button. To get it back you will need to do 2 things
1) Edit configuration file or get Beta of 1Password ( http://support.agilewebsolutions.com/showthread.php?t=11637)
2) For me it also required to right clic on tool bar and add 1P button from "Customize toolbar"
I have no doubts that Agile Web Solutions will provide update very soon ( Safari 4 Beta was released just today)
I am a bit fun of HTML5 and hope it will kill scary closed proprietary technologies like Flash and Silverlight.
Why we need some stupid plugins when we can just use video tag that is perfectly scriptable?
Same goes for simple JS animations. It is not a big deal to do in HTML ;-)
It comes with 150 features and I do love what Apple did for us, developers
Developers, developers, developers ! ( :-))
Great Job Apple !
And HAPPY 54th Birthday , Steve Jobs! ( and ...live till 120! as we say :-))
Safari is out. It is beta, but I like it so far.
"Safari 4 includes the new Nitro engine for rendering Web pages, which Apple claims makes Safari not only the world's fastest browser -- something we'll be testing, naturally -- but also the fastest renderer of JavaScript, with rendering speeds 30 times faster than Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 and three times faster than Mozilla's Firefox 3."
But what I like is HTML5 video and audio tags ;-) Hope it will kill freaking Flash and we can just use MP3 and MPEG4
Falling Leaves Animation: http://webkit.org/blog-files/leaves/index.html [webkit.org]
Bouncing Box Animation: http://webkit.org/blog-files/bounce.html [webkit.org]
Rotate and Fade Animation: http://webkit.org/blog-files/pulse.html [webkit.org]
CSS Recipes for Effects: http://developer.apple.com/safari/articles/webcontent/cssrecipes.html [apple.com]
CSS Gradients:http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/InternetWeb/Conceptual/SafariVisualEffectsProgGuide/Gradients/chapter_2_section_1.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008032-CH7-SW11 [apple.com]
Video tag (requires Quicktime): http://webkit.org/blog/140/html5-media-support/ [webkit.org]
CSS Gradients: http://webkit.org/blog/175/introducing-css-gradients/ [webkit.org]
Background Shaped Clipping: http://webkit.org/blog/164/background-clip-text/ [webkit.org]
Local Database Example: http://webkit.org/misc/DatabaseExample.html [webkit.org]
If you use 1Password you will loose 1P button. To get it back you will need to do 2 things
1) Edit configuration file or get Beta of 1Password ( http://support.agilewebsolutions.com/showthread.php?t=11637)
2) For me it also required to right clic on tool bar and add 1P button from "Customize toolbar"
I have no doubts that Agile Web Solutions will provide update very soon ( Safari 4 Beta was released just today)
I am a bit fun of HTML5 and hope it will kill scary closed proprietary technologies like Flash and Silverlight.
Why we need some stupid plugins when we can just use video tag that is perfectly scriptable?
Same goes for simple JS animations. It is not a big deal to do in HTML ;-)
It comes with 150 features and I do love what Apple did for us, developers
Developers, developers, developers ! ( :-))
Great Job Apple !
And HAPPY 54th Birthday , Steve Jobs! ( and ...live till 120! as we say :-))
Labels: Safari 4 Beta
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