Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We all know how crafty Japanese are... But some times I can not belive my eyes!

If you know the lingo of Buda go right here :

Have fun!!!

Note : Halo IV should have one of these !!! :-) Ha ha ha !


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Make 1.bat

echo start
mkdir foo
rename foo bar
rmdir bar
goto TOP

Copy it say to empty c:\test say on Vista box

You may make another copy 2.bat
And open two comand prompts to this directory .

Run 1.bat from one and 2.bat from other ( same file can be used, but
you may need re run if you see file busy

After short while it stops and your 1.bat will be magicaly renamed to

I find this out trying to write simple stress for my mini filter
during lab and was debuging bat file on clean dev box without filter
( that waited for torture on vm) is it a bug? Or I am missing some
thing? ;-) let me know

Thursday, January 17, 2008

iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 sucks. :-) More then one before. Good newes : eMail client seems to work better, but just a bit , but "GPS-like triangulation positioning in Google Maps" new cool feature seems to do a lot of harm to device. Once used it produce batary death, frizing and black outs. I installed firmware the moment Jobs said it is there and all looked cool. I left fully cahreg iPhone on my desk and next morning found it ON with RED sign : battary out! I charged it and used next day. After I tried Maps and do not rememeber what else ( wigling icons?) it staretd to slwo down and get frozen. I could reboot it usual way with one power button. Latter this day I show it off and it just turned balck one of the times I pulled it out to check time. Super Mario show me new trick : just holding power button will not revive it. You need to hold HOME button for 5 sec and then click power. That rebooted device. I am not using Maps and so far device is working :-)
Camon Apple... that suck! I know Jobs had to haev it for AppleWord, but ... black dumn devcie !? I was sure it just died on me and I was SAD! ( I love my iPhone). Fix it! Do it ! NOW!!!! :-)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I got my MacBook Air!!!!

It is inside!!! Heavy ...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bike is ready!

Today I finaly had couple of free houres and I instaled frame and
swing arm sliders and changed oil and filter as well as cleaned engine
and breaks and rest of the bike: so it is all ready and shiny: I also
got AAA plus RV to be ready for unexpected : we also starting ski

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thelephone of the future

If you ask me: this is overkill : why you need device at all when you
have computer? Just make sure speakers and mic included. This guy have
color screen and finger scaner: looks cool but such a waste : all it
does it double my unified comunicator, that in turn try to mimic
Skype... Oh well..

XO computer for every child

This is my own version of XO : cost 15$ and it supports pen Interface.
It is green and need no battary at all. Give Nekroponte and Intel run
for it money:-) I am here to sell patents. Come!


My bike want to go wroom wroom but weather realy sucks now;-(

Sharp image blue tooth speakers

I got a new office and been told to enjoy it. I saw this speakers on
HUGE discount. I wanted more expensive monitors, but ... For 40 watt
these speakers blow window in my office. Blue toohth conection sucks ,
I will bring cable to conect directly. By sucking I mean compresion
that cut too much and make it sound like a radio : I hope these
speakers becouse of size have much better potential. In any case they
sound way better thm small computers ones and they looks very
impresive : good if some one come to see me.

Gateway 22''

I got this one for my son. This monitor have all conections possble
including analog composite video and s-video as well as all modern
digital conections. I payed may be too much in Office Deport, but I
liked the monitor that made old conersion box obsolite. Now my Mac
envy conected to old 19'' not wide LCD.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Netgear RangeMax MIMO

This guy have 7 internal antenas and dedicated switch for this cool
blinking blue light;-) while it is only G it rocks with my house hold

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Not so cool: new iMovie ( 08 !)

I was having fun with my new Mac and wanted to make a short DVD flick about Sea Fair 2007.
I lunched iMovie and tried to drop my clips ( made by my Olimpus 720 Photo Camera) - ironically, in hated by me so much QuickTime format - I only got this camera because it is water and shock proof. So... I try to drop clips from my Windows Home Server share - clips that OS X Finder can play and show ... But ... iMovie just do not see it. No drop. Hm ... I go to Import ... No... I copy files locally ... Same shit : NO. I read help and I go on-line and ... guess what ? iMovie just can not do that. They say : "it was not designed this way" FUCKING WHAT ? Why should I care about the way it was designed ?!!! I got clip from popular consumer camera in freaking Apple's format and I want to make a movie. I want it "Just work". Please !

I almost stopped to use my Tape DV camcorder and use clips from different "solid state" cameras these days and latest and greatest OS X shit will not make a simple flick for me out of this ? Hell what the fuck is going on ? Note: it is not some kind Bill Gates's file format: that is freaking QuickTime ( ohhhh... I hate QuickTime player SO FUCKING MUCH all this years, with RealPlayer being second to that - :-) ) So, they say you can BUY QuickTime *PRO* ( yeah, right) and do conversion : like for all my 100's of small clips. HELLLOOO!!! Good news : you can get old iMovie if you have new ( I do- got it with OS X.5). Good. Because old "iMovie HD" guess what: can import all these shit. WOW!

So I made this clip ( just chain of short clips, transitions and beginning and ending credits - simple) It took some time to import this shit ( to have proper frame by frame I guess) and well, iDVD could open it up... Cool... Done.

Another thing: iMovie only do HD: I still wonder how it goes to You Tube ...

Like... I still can not comprehend this .... Like ... WOW... How I suppose to make my clips for YouTube with Mac ? What Apple think about this ? I got my clips in iPhoto and I want to do some editing : minor... quick one and post on net... what application in iLife should I use ? Old Movie HD ? Heck... That is really stupid... SHAME :-) Get seriously guys, really ... Bokey ?

Note: Of course I can do want I want: I have many video editing tools, I have PC , but I wanted to do it "Apple way". Is new iMovie "design" a sign that Apple hired some guys from Redmond ;-) That know better what is good for me ( I probably should go and get HD solid state video camera with MP4 , right - black and cool one, my Olympus is so archaic )?

For now you need 2 versions of iMovie to do simple EVERYDAY thing: edit clip from your camera for your blog. It is free. Tomorrow : you have OS X Home ( can not edit Qt) and OS X Home Premium ( still can not edit Qt!) and OS X Ultimate ( Can edit Qt ... if you pay 20$ and get Qt pro!!!!) :-) Whoooo.... I have to wake up ... Matrix got me :-)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Frame sliders

I got a "right" sliders after returning a Vortex 2 part ones. New
sliders have through the engeen design and looks much bigger. They
look like a better sliders, but what matters is recomendation from
dudes that used these in real bike drop. I will have to put it on.
Gent sale these sliders via eBay and he is a nice guy: SVRacingParts.

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